There has been a slight, last minute change of Expedition plan:
The pilot flying us into our start point, has asked us to move the start point to a very small island about 8 miles south west of our original Ward Hunt Island starting point. This is because of the difficulties of landing at Ward Hunt with the 1 March, poor sun angle. We have agreed to this, but the extra distance now adds another day's marching to our expedition. Life is full of surprises and changes!
Friday was another meals day. This time putting together 55 Dinner packs and then making 220 gourmet, stack sandwiches. The specially selected ingredients came from Ottawa and we then had to measure out and package daily rations. Here is a one night, four person, dinner pack:
It consists of pemmican, packets of chicken / beef noodles, a mix of grated mature cheddar and either pine nuts or creamed coconut cubes, a sachet of powdered milk, a lump of crystallised maple sugar, another sachet of Muscle Milk (Body builder supplement), and a cube of butter. These are the ingredients to make firstly our 'pre-dinner', milk cocktail drink, then the main course, a cheesy, pemmican dominated, noodles dish. This is then followed by desert which is a Muscle Milk drink.
The treat for breakfast is the stacked sandwich shown below:
As I said, we spent Friday hand making each individual sandwich and then carefully wrapping it in cling wrap, before storing them outside in the natural cold room, to freeze. The ingredients are sucre, a Russian toast bread, which then has a thick peanut butter layer, 'drizzled' with macademia nut butter paste, and then topped with a thick slice of pure butter. This makes each sandwich about 700 k calories. It was quite a process making 220 of these sandwiches! The rest of breakfast is more pemmican and 'normal' coffee and powdered milk.
Yesterday, we did our longest sled pull to date....just over six hours with full sleds, packs and towing the ski's to exactly simulate the first days of the expedition. We took on some hilly terrain to make it even more real, and I felt pretty good at the end of it all.
Given all my solo pursuits and need to feel free, I do find staying in line staring at the sled in front of me quite difficult, so often break free of the group and break my own trail. Understanding that this might not be considered full team behaviour, yesterday I brought this up with the team, and this resulted in a very positive win-win discussion. I am very aware of the possibility of any niggling issues now, becoming huge issues on the expedition, so have been trying to facilitate very open discussions around potential issues. I am really happy to say this openness has been welcomed and even encouraged, resulting in each of us having a much better understanding and respect of the others. Yesterday's discussions were particularly productive in this area, and at this stage I couldn't feel happier about being part of a team as the team I am setting out with. I can feel the unit becoming stronger and more co-ordinated each day, and at the same time I can see my need for 'a bit' of freedom and individualism being accepted and accommodated in the daily routines.
Tomorrow we are planning to have dry suit swimming training, but other than this the time before our flight on Wednesday to Resolute will be all about packing the food, gear and organising the logistics of getting it all to the airport on time.
Here is a picture of people ice fishing on Great Slave Lake. We came across them yesterday while on our six hour training march. A great catch of fish as they hauled out the nets from under the 60 cm thick ice.

Probably my next Posting will be from Resolute! Much further North and much colder!
Talk to you from there!
Howard, am following yet another of your mind blowing "adventures" and hoping that all goes wonderfully well, and it is not too long before we can catch up with you in sydney again to celebrate your ecxiting achievement! lots of love, Margie xx