Thursday, January 28, 2010

London happenings.....

This past week in London has been one of 'knocking off' items on the long 'To Do List', for all the things that need to be done before leaving civilisation for a few months. The items, vary from source last minute equipment for the expedition, to tie up normal day to day activities so there are no crises while I am away. One of the problems is that the closer 'D-Day' approaches the longer the list can become, as one thinks of new issues that need addressing and / or anxiety starts one looking for 'better' solutions for the higher risk / concern areas. A good example of this is my 'fear' of toe frostbite. Weeks ago I was feeling confident that I will, be alright, and that Yellowknife training taught me a lot about cold management, and if 'others' can manage the cold, well so I can I!". With more thought, a chat with Richard, and a bit of internet research, it becomes apparent that one can virtually remove the frostbite risk, buy buying electrical foot warmers. These are heating pads that you insert between socks, and are powered by a series of AA Lithium batteries, located in a warm place close to your body. The idea being, that they can provide an instant, 'on switch', source of heating in conditions where your body can't cope. Well, when one does a risk vs reward analysis, it is apparently a "no brainer". I spoke to the owner of the company who supplies them, an experienced Polar expeditioner' himself, and he 'confessed' to using them on 'his' North Pole trip, and spoke of the wonders of their performance. Hmmm, should I "Just pay some more money, and eliminate that risk"? Well, I don't find it as simple as that: I have to go back to what I am trying to achieve, and once I did that, it became a 'no brainer', that I will not go with the electric warmers. For me it crosses 'my line' of wanting to prove to myself that I can deal with natures elements 'on my own' and survive. Many may call that irresponsible, others may say why are you worried about that when you are already having the luxury of modern equipment, clothing and diet technology? Yeah, that's why it's 'my line'.... a line I have dram that makes it 'pure' for me. I don't judge where other's draw their line, but know its important for the whole experience for me, me to know where my line is to know I haven't crossed it in moments of weakness or fear, and then during the expedition I live and embrace the consequences of these decisions.

I guess, just like in REAL life, we all have to draw our own lines of how much hardship, risk, and effort we are prepared to accept / put in, and hopefully that is done in the context of a higher level goal that is valuable to us. My philosophy and experience has always been to try and experience 'thing' at the limit of my capabilities, and closest to the 'purest' form, because for me that gives me the richest and most soul-rewarding experience. This must not be confused with taking stupid risks...... something completely different!

Back to knocking off items on my list!

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